Empowering teachers to help each other keep getting better.
FellowshipsBringing inspiring teachers together to accelerate progress.
The entirety of these Terms and Conditions apply where you have chosen to join a Fellowship Programme and be part of a team of Inspiring Teachers Fellows contributing to our mission in a country of your choice. They apply to memberships arranged made via our website, our brochures or via telephone and which are made with us whether directly or through partners appointed on our behalf.
In addition to these Terms and Conditions, all information and data provided by Applicants and Fellows are subject, in addition to clause 11 of these Terms and Conditions to our Privacy Policy.
Inspiring Teachers urges you to read these Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy carefully and contact us at the earliest opportunity if you do not understand or agree with anything in these Terms and Conditions.
All Notices required under this Terms and Conditions, or All notices required under these Terms and Conditions, or any other correspondence should be emailed to info@inspiringteachers.org.
References in these Terms to “us”, “we”, “our” and/or “Inspiring Teachers” shall mean Inspiring Teachers. References in these Terms to “you”, “Member”, “Fellow” and/or
1.1. “Applicant” refers to all persons named in your application form.
1.2. “Additional Excursions” means any optional trip or activity organised by Inspiring Teachers and offered to the Fellow for an additional cost that is not covered by Fellowship Membership Contributions.
1.3. “Additional Excursion Fee” is the price of any Additional Excursions that a Fellow may or may not opt to add to their Fellowship.“Applicant” means the person who is participating in the Programme, pursuant to these Terms and Conditions. Once successful, the Applicant becomes a Member following the process set out in clause 2.2 below.
1.4. “Application Form” means the form you complete to first register as a Member of Inspiring Teachers, and register interest in a Fellowship Programme.
1.5. “Cancellation Fee” means the fee that may be charged by us if you cancel your participation in a Fellowship Programme.
1.6. “Conditions” or “Terms & Conditions” means the information and terms and conditions contained in this document.
1.7. “Departure Date” means the date on which the Group departs to the Fellowship Country.
1.8. “Direct Debit” means a method of payment whereby an agreement is made between the Customer and their bank. For non-GBP Sterling accounts, this method of payment shall be by Standing Order instead.
1.9. “Due Date” means the day that is sixty (60) days prior to the Departure Date when the full balance of the Fellowship Membership Contribution and any Additional Excursion costs are due to be paid to Inspiring Teachers.
1.10 “Fellow” means an Inspiring Teachers Member who has been accepted onto an Inspiring Teachers Programme.
1.11. “Fellowship Country” is the country, where the Programme takes place.
1.12. “Fellowship Membership Confirmation” gives rise to the ‘contract’ between Inspiring Teachers and the Fellow.
1.13. “Fellowship Membership Contribution” means the amount contributed by the Fellow towards the Programme The Fellowship Membership Contribution varies between Programmes. These are clearly shown on each Programme’s webpage, accessible from https://www.inspiringteachers.org/fellowships.
1.14. “Fellowship Programme” or “Programme” means the skills transfer-based Fellow programme provided by us, including the planning, preparation, training and Additional Excursions.
1.15. “Group” means the set of Fellows participating in each Programme.
1.16. “Initial Membership Fee” means the amount payable to Inspiring Teachers to join as a member at the same time as securing a place on the Programme. The Initial Membership in all cases is non-refundable. Inspiring Teachers may waive a Membership in some circumstances including when a donation has been received.
1.17. “Inspiring Teachers” means the UK membership organisation charity number: 1187045 that in 2020 took on the work of Limited Resource Teacher Training Ltd but may also refer to other affiliated entities or subsidiaries.
1.18. “Major Change” includes, but is not limited to, a significant change in the itinerary, destination, the cost, or the length of the Programme.
1.19. “Member” means a person who has completed the Application Form to register as a Member of Inspiring Teachers and has paid their Initial Membership Fee.
1.20. “Successful Application” means a confirmation of acceptance onto a programme, an outline of the key details of your Fellowship and sets out a schedule for Fellowship Membership Contributions and a final due date(s) by which any Additional Excursion payments must be made to meet the balance. We state clearly in this the items included a breakdown of your Fellowship Membership Contribution and any Additional Excursions you have opted to participate in.
1.21. “Team Leader” means the person or persons appointed by us to lead the Programme.
1.22. “Terms and Conditions” means these Terms and Conditions as supplemented by the event - and individual-specific terms.
1.23. ”Videos” means any moving images, animations, films, footage or other audio/visual representations, excluding still images, recorded in any format.
2.1. When you submit a completed application form to Us, we will review the application form, conduct an interview with you and then either accept or decline your application. All Applicants whose application forms are accepted will receive a Successful Application email with instructions on how to pay the Initial Membership Fee.
2.2. A Membership Confirmation email, sent by us on receipt of the Initial Membership Fee, shall be deemed acceptance of your place on the Programme.
2.3. We reserve the right to offer an Applicant’s place to another Membership if an Initial Membership Fee isn’t paid to us within 7 days of Successful Application email being sent by us. The Initial Membership Fee is non-refundable in all circumstances.
2.4. You agree and acknowledge that the Application form and any information provided therein is true and correct and will inform us in writing as soon as possible, and at the latest sixty (60) days before the Departure Date if any of the details provided on the application form have changed. The Fellow will be liable to pay any costs incurred by us as a result of inaccurate or false information supplied.
3.1. Medical Conditions. It is vital that all Fellows disclose to Inspiring Teachers any pre-existing medical condition, illness or disability or any ongoing medical treatment that may affect their participation in the Programme. In order to assess the Fellow’s suitability for the Programme or assist with an insurance claim, Inspiring Teachers may require information from the Fellow’s doctor and reserves the right to request the Fellows consent to access their medical records. Where there is a charge for the provision of such records the Fellow will meet the cost.
It is expected that Fellows will conduct their own enquiries and seek medical advice prior to confirming their participation in any Programme. Where a Fellow confirms participation in a Programme and later finds out they cannot participate for any reason, including any medical reason, Inspiring Teachers shall endeavour to accommodate that Fellow on an alternative Programme. If an alternative Fellowship is not suitable or not available, Inspiring Teachers shall not be obliged to provide any refund to you.
Fellows are solely responsible for managing their own health & wellbeing throughout the Fellowship period. Inspiring Teachers will provide support and guidance to enable Fellows to access medical assistance wherever possible, however, Fellows accept that access to medical treatment may be limited in the Fellowship Country. If a Fellow is unable to receive adequate medical treatment in the Fellowship Country, we may ask them to leave the Fellowship so that they can seek the help they require. In this situation, Inspiring Teachers will provide support with arranging transport to get the Fellow to the nearest international airport. Fellows shall be responsible for meeting the costs of any medical treatment they require, including, but not limited to, transport to and from the treatment centre, hospital or doctors bills, prescription charges or medical repatriation costs.
3.2. Required Medication. All Fellows must take all necessary vaccinations or medication either in relation to their personal health or advised requisite period before Departure Date and during the Programme and should take advice from their doctor as to which vaccinations or medication are necessary and/or advisable for travel to the Fellowship Country. Inspiring Teachers reserves the right to request the Fellow provides proof that they have been vaccinated or medicated appropriately at any time and to withdraw the Fellow from the Programme in the event that the Fellow has not received all the required vaccinations, or medication or followed any health-related testing requirements.
3.3. Challenges Presented by the Programme. You understand that by participating in the Programme you will be living and working in unfamiliar surroundings and that these are likely to be significantly different from your own local work and living environment. Accommodation, food, water, sanitation and hygiene may be different or of lesser quality in the Fellowship Country. In addition, the Programme may well expose you to various physical and emotional challenges. You understand there is a possibility of violence and crime, civil unrest, war, terrorism, natural disaster, homesickness, and loneliness. By submitting your application to Inspiring Teachers you accept such risks and confirm you are physically and emotionally capable to participate in the Programme and that you do not have any undisclosed mental, physical, or other medical issues which may affect your ability to participate in the Programme in a professional and respectful manner.
3.4. Travel Documents. You are responsible for obtaining and making available the necessary documents (including but not limited to full, current and valid passport and visas for all periods, countries and territories you may visit during the Programme) to enable you to participate in the Programme. Inspiring Teachers will offer non-professional advice and assistance in respect of visa requirements for British or EU passport holders but you are ultimately responsible for obtaining and paying for these documents.
You should be aware that the definition of a ‘valid passport’ varies between countries, and may include a requirement that the passport has at least 6 months before expiry at the date of travel. It is your responsibility to check that your passport and any required visas are valid for the Fellowship Country and any countries you will be transiting through, for the duration of your Fellowship.
Any visa support or guidance given by Team Leaders or staff is considered non-professional advice, and in all cases, Fellows must check with the relevant immigration authorities to confirm what visa(s) they require to participate in the Fellowship. Passport and visa costs are the sole responsibility of the Fellow.
3.5. Emergency Contacts. You are required to provide details of an emergency contact. If at any time we feel it necessary to contact your emergency contact, we will first seek, where possible, your permission to do so. However, we reserve the right at all times to speak to your emergency contact without your permission.
3.6. Disclosure & Barring Service Certificate. Inspiring Teachers works in areas of possible interaction with young people from a range of backgrounds and experiences, some of whom are under 18 years of age or vulnerable adults. When requested by Inspiring Teachers, Fellows from the UK must provide evidence of a valid Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate or a reference from their school. Fellows from other countries will be asked to present an equivalent certificate or reference.
Failure to present a valid DBS, other documentation deemed sufficient by Inspiring Teachers in its sole discretion, and/or a satisfactory reference, may result in the cancellation of your place on the Fellowship Programme.
3.7. Proof of Teacher Status. In order to participate in the Programme, you must be a qualified teacher. Inspiring Teachers may require you to show proof of qualified teacher status or equivalent. We may waive this requirement if agreed in writing before your Fellowship.
3.8. Travel Insurance. You must organise, maintain and pay for a comprehensive travel insurance policy for the duration of your Fellowship, including during transit to and from the Fellowship Country, from the date you leave your home country to the date you arrive back home. Appropriate travel insurance must provide cover for all activities you will take part in during the Fellowship, and must include coverage for injury or damage to both you and your possessions and also for injury or damage you may cause to others or their possessions (called Personal and Legal Liability by most insurers). Insurance must also include medical evacuation cover and repatriation. Please ensure that where you intend to take part in any high-risk activities organised during the Programme that your travel insurance policy covers you for taking part in such activities. We reserve the right to request proof of your insurance and to deny your further participation in the Programme if we deem you to be insufficiently covered.
3.9. Accompanying Minors. Fellowship Programmes are not suitable for minors. Should you choose to bring a minor with you to the Fellowship Country, you will have sole responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of that minor and will make private arrangements for the accommodation and supervision of the minor. Inspiring Teachers takes no responsibility and has no liability for the health and safety of minors accompanying Fellows on a Fellowship, and they are not part of the programme.
4.1. Initial Membership. To be eligible to participate in a Fellowship Programme, you must hold a current Inspiring Teachers Membership.
You can register for an Inspiring Teachers Membership on our website at www.inspiringteachers.org by clicking the “Apply” button.
Anyone can apply to be a Member of Inspiring Teachers, however, Membership is only confirmed upon payment of the Initial Membership Fee. The Initial Membership Fee is non-refundable in all circumstances.
Your Inspiring Teachers Membership will be valid for five years from the date your Membership Fee is received by us. We reserve the right to alter the duration of your Inspiring Teachers Membership at any time.
Members of Inspiring Teachers receive a range of benefits, which may include:
We reserve the right to change the benefits that apply to Inspiring Teachers Members.
5.1. Your Fellowship Membership Contribution is a contribution towards Inspiring Teacher’s programmes in the form of a membership fee and comprises a charitable contribution towards Inspiring Teachers work and a contribution to cover benefits to you during the programme. Your Fellowship Membership Contribution is used towards:
5.2. You understand that where possible we will recognise part of your Fellowship Membership Contribution as a charitable contribution towards the Mission of Inspiring Teachers and another part as a non-charitable “Top Up Contribution” to cover any material benefit (including food or accommodation) you receive in excess of allowable benefits for charitable membership contributions in your jurisdiction. We will make clear to you using the best available data, how much of your contribution is charitable and how much constitutes a payment for any benefits provided to you beyond allowable benefits for a charitable membership contribution. We will maintain records of how payments have been split and provide these to you at your request. Your Fellowship Membership does not constitute CIO Membership of Inspiring Teachers.
5.3. You understand that any literature we provide to you as part of our programme has the sole purpose of describing the work of the Inspiring Teachers and is distributed exclusively in furtherance of our Mission. You understand that any training materials, literature or access to content you receive as part of our program or as a Fellow or member are produced solely for the purpose of describing our work and achieving our mission. As such, and even though we may also generate income by selling these things, they do not constitute benefits or affect whether your contributions are tax-deductible or in the case you can attract gift aid.
5.4. You understand that if you participate as a Fellow, the training you receive is for the purpose of enabling you to support local teachers in the program to the end of improving learning outcomes in their communities. As such, you understand that your receiving training to fulfil your role as a Fellow does not equate to a benefit that would prevent your charitable contribution from being a gift.
5.5. You understand that any part of your Fellowship Membership Contribution that you raise through charitable fundraising will be treated as a normal donation towards Inspiring Teachers mission and programmes and not as a payment towards your membership fee or any Benefits to you. Should you raise an amount equivalent to your Fellowship Membership Contribution we ensure that appropriate tax treatment is applied such that no charitable donation you raise e.g. from relatives covers the cost of material benefits to you.
5.6. You understand that Inspiring Teachers also sells and provides members of the public (including local teachers, partner staff and members of the public) opportunities to participate in training or pay for food, accommodation, additional excursions or other benefits that form part of the Fellowship Programmes and that members of the public can pay for these benefits separately either through Inspiring Teachers or our partners and vendors.
5.7. You understand that Fellowship Programmes and Additional Excursions are also sold and provided to teachers from local countries and other groups who have not paid Fellowship Membership Contributions.
5.8. The Fellowship Membership Contribution does not include the following, for which the Fellow is responsible:
6.1. Although Inspiring Teachers takes all possible care to price excursions and calculate costs you understand that there are various factors outside of our control, such as local laws and regulations in the Fellowship Country that may compel Inspiring Teachers to revise Fellowship Membership Contributions we request or the price of Excursions. We reserve the right for any reason to increase the price of the Excursions prior to the Departure Date or of any individual Additional Excursion at any time. Should we change the price of a requested Additional Excursion, you will be given the option to cancel your participation in the Additional Excursion and have the relevant price or your Additional Excursion rebated fewer costs already incurred by us, including any third-party cancellation fees.
6.2. Where you have requested that a family member accompany you on the Programme, an additional cost shall be payable by you. Such cost will be set by us.
7.1. To become an Inspiring Teachers member, be referenced, checked and trained as a Fellow you must pay the non-refundable Initial Membership Fee prior to receiving a Membership Confirmation. Fellowship Membership Contribution may be waived to donors or teachers under some circumstances including participants from the country where the programme is being run.
7.2. You can pay Fellowship Membership Contributions and the prices of any Additional Excursion by PayPal, credit or debit card, or by Bank Transfer to our nominated bank account. A payment processing fee will be applied to each transaction, and this will vary from time to time and between payment methods. Such balance must be paid no later than the Due Date. We reserve the right to extend any stated due dates at our discretion.
7.3. We reserve the right to charge interest on any Additional Excursion fees outstanding after the Due Date at an annual rate of eight per cent (8%) above the Bank of England base rate calculated on a daily basis and in addition to recovering from the Fellow any costs or expenses incurred by us as a result of such late payment.
7.4. Where Payment is made in a currency other than GBP sterling or likely to result in incurring any bank charges you must pay such bank charges in addition to stated prices or requested membership fees.
7.5. The Applicant must pay for any excursion fees no later than 60 days prior to the Arrival Date unless otherwise agreed in writing with us. Where the Applicant receives Fellowship Membership Confirmation within 60 days of the Arrival Date, we request that any Fellowship Membership Contributions and require that any Additional Excursion Fees be paid at the latest 30 days prior to the Arrival Date, unless otherwise agreed in writing with us. We reserve the right to cancel your Fellowship Programme or make it available to another Member if you fail to provide the Fellowship Membership Contributions required to cover costs that are of benefit to you by the due date.
8.1. Any Fellow may request to change their Fellowship Programme to any alternative Fellowship Programme offered by us in a location of their choice, and we shall grant that request provided that:
8.2. Where a Fellow has a request to change their Fellowship Programme approved by us under clause 7.1:
8.3. In the event that we have to cancel a Fellowship Programme, for any reason, we will give you the option to transfer to an alternative Fellowship Programme of your choice (subject to availability) within the following 14 month period. When you accept such a transfer, you will be given the benefits listed in clause 7.2. If you are unable to transfer to an alternative Fellowship Programme within the following 14 month period, we will discuss the option of a later Fellowship with you.
8.4. Each Fellow may exercise the option to change their Fellowship Programme once only unless otherwise agreed in writing with us.
8.5. If a Fellow chooses to change their Fellowship Programme, and then later wishes to cancel their participation in the Fellowship Programme, they will not be entitled to any rebate of Fellowship Membership Contribution or Additional Excursion Fees.
8.6. Any Fellow who chooses to change their Fellowship Programme, and then later wishes to cancel their participation in the Fellowship Programme, will have their Additional Excursion Cancellation fee rebate calculated based on the number of days until their original departure date rather than the departure date for the Fellowship they have changed to.
9.1. If you wish to cancel your participation in a Programme prior to the Departure Date you must give notice in writing of your wish to cancel. Where you wish to cancel within one (1) month of the Departure Date you must also contact us by telephone prior to providing written notice.
9.2. Initial Membership Fees are non-refundable and unless you request to cancel your membership it will continue irrespective of whether you withdraw from a Fellowship programme.
9.3. Where a Fellow cancels their participation in a Programme, we reserve the right to charge a Cancellation Fee on Additional Excursion payments, the amount of which shall be determined based on the date a notice of cancellation is received as follows:
The Percentage of Total price of additional excursions payable that will not be rebated is variable based on the Time before the Original Departure Date that written notice of withdrawal is received by Inspiring Teachers. For the avoidance of doubt, if you choose to defer or transfer from one Fellowship to a later Fellowship, the original Departure Date of your first Fellowship will be recognised as your Departure Date.
9.4. You shall remain solely responsible for the payment of any Cancellation Fees. We are not responsible for liaising with your travel insurance provider and shall not be obliged to defer payment of any Cancellation Fee until any insurance claim between the Fellow and their insurer is resolved.
9.5. Where a Fellow cancels their participation on a Fellowship due to Unavoidable or Extraordinary circumstances, we may, in our sole discretion, choose to waive the Cancellation Fee. However, we are under no obligation to offer such a rebate or Cancellation Fee waiver.
9.6. For the avoidance of doubt, where a Fellow cancels their participation on a Fellowship Programme, this will not impact upon that Fellow’s Inspiring Teachers Membership.
10.1. From time to time, it may be necessary for us to make amendments to either the Programme or these Terms and Conditions, or to postpone or change the location of a Programme, after acceptance of you as a Fellow but before the Departure Date. We reserve the right to make such amendments, postponements, location changes or cancellations. we will notify you of any amendments, location changes, date changes, postponement or cancellation as soon as reasonably practicable and in any case before the Departure Date.
10.2. Where it is necessary to make amendments, changes to dates, locations or to postpone or cancel a Programme we will:
10.3. In some cases Inspiring Teachers may in its sole discretion offer you the opportunity to cancel your participation in the Programme rather than accept an amendment, Fellowship Date, Location or postponement. Where such an offer is made you must notify us in writing within 7 days of receipt of the notice of your acceptance of the offer. We shall in such circumstances:
10.4. We reserve the right to cancel your participation in the Programme and charge a Cancellation Fee on Additional Excursion payments, as described in clause 8.3:
10.5. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we will not offer any rebate on Additional Excursion Fees where any Programme is cancelled due to an Unavoidable and Extraordinary Circumstance or any event beyond our control where such event occurs less than 30 days prior to the Departure Date.
10.6. If a Fellow has selected to participate in an Additional Excursion, they must pay for that Additional Excursion by the Due Date, unless an earlier date is set by us.
A Fellow who wishes to cancel their participation in an Additional Excursion must inform us of this, in writing, at least 60 days prior to the Arrival Date, unless otherwise agreed with us. Failure to provide such written notice will result in the Fellow being charged, in full, for that Additional Excursion.
Additional Excursions that require the advance purchase of wildlife permits including, but not limited to, Gorilla Trekking and Chimp Trekking cannot be cancelled after the permits have been purchased by us (typically 5 months - 60 days prior to the Arrival Date).
If a Fellow chooses not to participate or is not able to participate in an Additional Excursion that they have booked, for any reason, that Fellow shall not be entitled to a refund of the fee they have paid to participate in that Additional Excursion.
10.7. If a Fellow chooses, for any reason, to stay at alternative accommodation, to take alternative transport, or to purchase additional/alternative meals to those provided as part of the Programme, that Fellow shall be required to meet the costs of these themselves.
11.1. We will:
You are responsible for arriving in the Fellowship Country at the correct time and in the correct place and therefore making your own transport/flight arrangements. You will be met by Team Leaders and transported to accommodation or to the airport where you arrive or depart on a flight suggested on a list provided by us. If you arrive or depart on a flight, not on the suggested list, you may have to arrange and cover the cost of your own transport between the accommodation and the airport.
If the Fellow requires to arrive later than the designated Arrival Date, or leave the Programme prior to its conclusion, for whatever reason, including being removed from the Programme by Inspiring Teachers, Inspiring Teachers shall assist the Fellow but the Fellow shall be responsible for the costs and arrangements of their transport to meet the Fellowship group in the case of late arrival, and/or for the costs of their earlier return to their home country in the case of an early departure, including any costs in relation to flights and travel to the arrival/departure airport.
Where a Fellow arrives after the Arrival Date, or leaves the Programme prior to its conclusion, for any reason, that Fellow shall not be entitled to a rebate of any Fellowship Membership Contributions they have paid (including any fees for Additional Excursions).
Whilst a Programme is in progress you agree to:
We may remove you from the Programme at any time (including during the Programme itself) if we are of the opinion that your Fellow’s presence is likely to prejudice the good order, discipline or safety of the Programme, the Fellow, the Group or any third party.
If you require to leave the Programme prior to its conclusion, for whatever reason, including being removed from the Programme by us, we shall assist you but you shall be responsible for the costs and arrangements of your earlier return to your home country, including any costs in relation to flights and travel to the departure airport.
12.1. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information we provide to you. All information is believed correct at the time such information is provided to you. However, due to the nature of our Programmes, education and international travel in general, Programme schedules and information provided by us are subject to change and should be regarded only as a fair indication of how the Programme will be conducted. Any schedules or information provided to the Fellow will not be deemed to be binding upon us and does not form part of these Terms and Conditions.
13.1. By participating in the Programme you understand that:
14.1. We shall not be liable for any loss, damage, personal injury, delay or expense (“Loss”) where such Loss is not attributable to and negligence.
14.2. Our total liability (which includes the liability of our employees, representatives or agents) to you arising out of or in connection with the Programme will in no event exceed two times the total the combined amount you have contributed in Fellowship Membership Contribution and Additional Excursion Fees.
14.3. Nothing in this clause 14 seeks to exclude or limit our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence.
14.4. We use all reasonable care in our use of third-party providers of services and equipment, however, we are not appointed agents or representatives of any third party providers. We do not accept any liability for the actions or omissions of any third-party providers, including but not limited to airlines or other travel providers, providers of Additional Excursions or our teaching partners in the Fellowship Country.
14.5. You accept these terms for those, minors or adults, whom you desire to accompany you and will do everything possible to ensure they are committed to these.
15.1. You consent to our processing data for legal, administrative and management purposes and in particular to the processing of any “sensitive personal data” (as defined in the Data Protection Act 1998) including, as appropriate:
15.2. You consent to us making any information provided by you available to any third party with a reasonable need to know such information in relation to the Programme, including but not limited to those who provide services to the Group, providers of Additional Excursions, regulatory authorities, and governmental or quasi-governmental organisations. You further consent to the transfer of such information to third parties outside the European Economic Area including to those based in countries or territories that may not have standards of data protection equal to those applied in the EEA.
15.3. Where expressly consented to by the Fellow on the application form (or subsequently notified to us in writing) we may contact you, or disclose your personal data to selected third parties so that they may contact you, with information about goods, services and other organisations which we feel may be of interest to you. You may at any time provide notice to us that you do not wish your personal data to be disclosed to any further third parties.
15.4. We do not store credit card details nor do we share financial details with any third parties.
16.1. Where you supply us with any photographs, videos, audio recording or educational content other media (the “Works”) before, during or after the Programme you Fellow hereby confirm that:
16.2. By participating in the Programme, you hereby grant permission for any photograph or video in which you feature during the Programme and our events to be used in any formats of our publications, presentations, promotional materials, advertising and on our website.
We may subcontract any of our obligations.
Inspiring Teachers shall not be under any liability whatsoever to the Fellow for failure or delay in the performance of any of its obligations hereunder where such performance is prevented by reason of a Force Majeure event.
“Force Majeure” means unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond the control of Inspiring Teachers and/or the third parties we work with, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all due care had been exercised, including, but not limited to, events such as war or threat of war, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute, unavoidable technical problems with transport, closure, travel restriction or congestion at airports, terrorist activity, natural or nuclear disaster, an outbreak of disease or imposition of quarantine, fire and adverse weather conditions.
A party’s failure or neglect to enforce any of the rights under these terms will not be deemed to be a waiver of that party’s rights.
Any provision of these Terms and Conditions which shall in any way contravene the law or is deemed to be unenforceable shall be deemed to be severable to the extent of such contravention and shall not affect any other provision of these Terms and Conditions.
Notice shall be deemed to be received (a) whereby email on the date such email is sent, and (b) whereby letter on the date such letter is received by us.
You agree to transact with us electronically, including without limitation, agreeing to these Terms and Conditions. You authorise us to provide you with terms and important notices about us and your transactions to an email address you provide to us or by posting notices on an applicable page on our website. It is your duty to keep your email address accurate and up to date and to maintain a valid email address and to ensure that emails we send you are not filtered or stopped by spam filters or other types of email blocking functionalities.
These terms are effective from December 15 2020. The Flexible Fellowship Policy (Section 5) became effective on March 8th. These terms are subject to amendment from time to time. Members will be informed that the Terms and Conditions have been amended by email. Amendments will become effective immediately and your continued enrolment in the Programme shall be deemed your acceptance of any amendments made to these Terms and Conditions.
These Terms and Conditions agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and each party agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
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