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We run coaching programs across Africa

Since 2011...

Worked with












See our work


Since 2016, alongside partners, we have run programs for 650 teachers in Ghana, impacting education for over 10,600 children.

In 2023, we partnered with CPDTE (The Centre for Professional Development) to provide next-gen structured pedagogy and instructional leadership programs to 200 low-fee and public schools across the central region by 2027.


Since 2016, with Afrikids, Sabre Trust, GNAPS, and now CPDTE, we’ve supported schools serving marginalized communities across Ghana. We’re now expanding our program in the central region.

Working alongside the Centre for Professional Development, Training and Education (CPDTE) in 2023, we launched the Inspiring Schools program as part of a 20-school testbed program.

Cape Coast

Capital of the Central Region, Cape Coast is home to over 200,000 people. Over one-third of children in the region attend community schools with fees often below $1 per day.

Education in the region

Children in Ghana get 5.5 years of learning from their 11 years of school. In response, the government has made strengthening teaching and learning its top priority.


  • In Partnership with CPDTE we are running a 20-school testbed trialling an integrated structured literacy program, alongside a technology supported instructional leadership program.

What's next?

  • Our ambition is to expand our program with CPDTE to 200 schools by 2027 while also exploring larger-scale rollouts in partnership with Ghana Education Services.
  • We are seeking funding partners to accelerate this work and enable our learning agenda.

Interested in partnering with us?

If you would like to explore supporting our work, using our tools or working with us on a program, we’d love to hear from you.


Be part of a Fellowship in Ghana next summer

Start your journey


Since 2013, alongside our partners in Tanzania, we have provided in-service development programs for more than 780 teachers, impacting education for over 23,000 children.

Eight teams of Fellows have helped run these programs. We are now working to co-design a new version of our peer coaching.


Since 2013, we have supported public schools in Tanzania, originally in the Morogoro region. In 2019, we formed a partnership with Livingstone Tanzania Trust (LTT) to strengthen teaching in Babati.
Livingstone Tanzania Trust

We have supported Livingstone Tanzania Trust since 2019 in their mission to create motivating, engaging environments for teachers and students in Babati

Babati Region

Babati is situated in Manyara Region and has 39 schools. LTT has been working in the region since 2007 and focuses on barriers to quality education.

Education in the region

While enrollment has increased significantly since basic education was made free in 2002, children in Tanzania get just 4.5 adjusted years of learning from their 8 years of schooling1.


  • With Fundación Paraguaya in Morogoro Region, we’ve provided in-service programs for over 400 teachers.
  • As of 2020, all schools supported by Livingstone Tanzania Trust have improved pass rates.

What's next?

  • We are looking forward to supporting teachers in Babati in partnership with Livingstone Tanzania Trust.
  • We are seeking new partners and recruiting Fellows to be part of upcoming programs.

Interested in partnering with us?

If you would like to explore supporting our work, using our tools or working with us on a program, we’d love to hear from you.


Be part of a Fellowship in Tanzania next summer

Start your journey


Since 2011, we have provided in-service programs for more than 1000 teachers, impacting education for over 20,000 children. These programs have supported teaching and learning across 80 schools in Kanungu district.

Since 2023, we deepened our program in Kanungu by combining a structured literacy program, with instructional leadership training and in-school peer-coaching program.


We work in partnership with Great Stewards of Hope to strengthen teaching in Primary Schools across the Bwindi region of Uganda.
Great Stewards Of Hope

Great Stewards in an NGO founded to support education in South-Wester. They run primary, secondary and tertiary institutions offering cradle to career education in Kanungu.

Bwindi Region

Nestled among rolling hills near the border of Rwanda, Kanungu’s schools enjoy better views than transport links. This makes ongoing school support challenging.

Education in the region

For exam performance, Kanungu falls 57th out of 134 districts in Uganda. Class sizes range from 25-60 learners1.


  • Our partnership in Uganda was both our first and has been our testing ground for innovations since.
  • Since 2022 we have maintained a 20 school testbed in Kanungu District.
  • In 2024, we launched V3 of SmartCoach and began trialing our structured literacy program.

What’s next?

  • We are now trialling integrated instructional leadership and literacy focused structured pedagogy program.
  • In 2024, we aim to expand our structured literacy program to 20 testbed schools. We are working JPAL affiliate researchers on an initial program evaluation.

Interested in partnering with us?

If you would like to explore supporting our work, using our tools or working with us on a program, we’d love to hear from you.


Be part of a Fellowship in Uganda next summer

Start your journey


Our Partnership with Project Luangwa supports in-school coaching programs across their schools, impacting education for over 600 children.

Early in 2022, we co-led Instructional Leadership Training for School Leaders at each school who’ve gone on to launch and run our peer coaching program in their schools, supporting teachers to develop pedagogical skills in their classrooms.


Since 2022, we’ve worked in close partnership with Project Luangwa to launch our peer coaching program across their network of schools. This has involved close collaboration, initial training and ongoing support.
Project Luangwa

At the heart of Project Luangwa is improving educational standards in marginalised communities through supporting schools and deepening educational impact.

South Luangwa

Project Luangwa resides in the heart of Mfuwe, a small settlement situated on the edge of South Luangwa National Park in Eastern Zambia.

Education in the region

Teachers in South Luangwa rarely get access to training or professional development, making in-school programs even more important to the quality of teaching and learning is of high quality.

Program Overview

  • Provide Instructional Leadership Training for Headteachers & Deputies
  • Support schools to plan and launch the Peer Coaching Program
  • Provide teachers & leaders with access to SmartCoach, our mobile app

What's Next?

  • Our ambition is to build on learnings with Project Luangwa to continue improving our program design.
  • Get feedback from teachers and school leaders to improve our printed and digital tools.

Interested in partnering with us?

If you would like to explore supporting our work, using our tools or working with us on a program, we’d love to hear from you.

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