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Fulfilling the promise of teaching

Every teacher wants to make a great impact on the lives of their students. Great teaching lays the foundations for people to flourish. It overpowers inequity. To us, great teaching represents humanity at its very best.

Supporting teachers on the journey to making a great impact is crucial to building a fair society. But the journey to great teaching journey isn’t easy. Teachers need opportunities that expand their horizons and systematic support to grow. Today, too often, they aren’t getting those things and find themselves facing a plateau.

At Inspiring Teachers, we’re on a mission to improve the lives of 10 million children by 2030.

We’ll do it by helping school and system leaders solve the persistent problems that stop teachers getting the support they need to achieve inspiring outcomes.

We’ll get there by support school and systems to solve permanently solve the persistent problems. We’ll do it because every child has a right to a good education and because teachers deserve the support to provide one.

We’ll do it because we are what we do.

We are Inspiring Teachers.

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Inspiring Teachers
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